B2B Corporate Cost Reduction Firm | CG Moneta Consulting

Credit Card Audit

Credit Card Audit

Comprehensive Analysis

Optimization Strategies

Negotiation with Providers

about this SERVICE

Are you tired of overpaying for credit card processing fees? Look no further! Our dedicated team specializes in analyzing and optimizing your processing plans to ensure you're getting the most competitive rates in the market without having to change your current processor.

Understanding Credit Card Processing Fees

Merchant Service Credit Card Audit

Credit card processing fees can vary depending on several factors, including the type of card, transaction volume, and processing provider. Here are some common fees you may encounter:

  • Interchange Fees: Charged by the card networks (e.g., Visa, Mastercard), interchange fees are a percentage of each transaction's total value.
  • Assessment Fees: These fees are set by the card networks and typically represent a small percentage of the transaction value.
  • Processor Markup: Your processing provider may add their markup on top of the interchange and assessment fees, which can vary depending on your agreement.
  • Monthly Statement Fees: Some providers charge a monthly fee for providing you with statements detailing your transaction activity.
  • PCI Compliance Fees: To ensure the security of cardholder data, merchants are required to comply with PCI DSS standards, which may incur additional fees.

Save without switching your processor!

How it works

Comprehensive Analysis

Our experts will conduct a thorough evaluation of your current processing plan to identify areas for improvement.

Optimization Strategies

We'll develop custom strategies to optimize your processing rates and reduce unnecessary fees, ensuring maximum savings for your business.

Negotiation with Processor

Armed with industry knowledge and negotiation skills, we'll work with your current providers or explore alternative options to secure the most competitive rates available.


Our commitment doesn't end once we've reduced the cost of your merchant service processor. We'll continuously monitor the market and your processing activity to ensure you're always getting the best possible rates.

Why Choose Us?

  • Contingency-Based Pricing: Unlike traditional consultants, we operate on a contingency basis. That means there's no upfront fee for our services, and you only pay us if we successfully reduce your processing costs. It's a risk-free solution for your business!

  • Expertise You Can Trust: With years of experience in the industry, our team has the knowledge and expertise to navigate the complexities of credit card processing. Rest assured, your business is in good hands.

  • Customized Solutions: We understand that one size does not fit all. That's why we take a personalized approach to each client, ensuring our solutions align with your business goals and objectives.
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